
1. What do you like most about Bible Club?

"It's awesome to talk about our heavenly Father with people that I see everyday in our community other than talking with people from just my church. I love how we get to talk about the bible and learn gods message, which impacts each and everyone of us in our daily lives." -Averi Elison

2. What made you join?

"I've always been a Christian and I love God and want to do more to worship him." -Grace Marchionda

3. How’s the atmosphere?

"It's very friendly and caring." -Donnovan Deza

"It's nice and welcoming to be around other people who share the same beliefs as me." -Grace Marchionda

4. Describe the club in one word.

"Beautiful" -Averi Elison

"Encouraging" -Grace Marchionda

"Enlightening" -Donnovan Deza