Latest news from WCS
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Fill out your benefits form today!
WCS strongly encourages all families to take a moment to complete the
Education Benefits Form. Completing the form takes less than five minutes and determines funding for many programs and services that support WCS students.
[English] [Arabic] [Bangla]
Filling out the Educational Benefits Form may help provide:
- Resources for classrooms, teachers and children
- Health & Wellness Services
- Before and after school academic & enrichment programs
- Plus, much more!
[English] [Arabic] [Bangla]
The Journal
→ Check out the Warren Consolidated Schools Newsletter.WCS Board of Education appoints
Dr. John C. Bernia Superintendent of Schools
→More information
Great Start World of Fours Preschool
Free Preschool for eligible 4 year olds. → Click here to begin the pre-approval process
WCS Writing Celebration
The district recently honored student authors from each building and grade level at the Annual District Writing Celebration.
One student from each school was selected to have their writing piece showcased and turned into a digital story.
→ View digital stories